Thursday, February 21, 2013

One afternoon

Happy happy! He really says that these days.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cute succulents arrived.

I took some time off myself this weekend, and I met these guys at a flower shop. I have been wanting succulents to satisfy my nostalgia for California nature. There were many to choose, but I particularly fell in love with this square shaped one. Never seen this kind before. It looks so unreal for plants:-) Do they grow taller? I should find out about it. It'll be fun to have many of them.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mr. Talisman

Let me introduce you to Mr. Talisman.  He may protect you and your home from evil eyes:-)  It's dedicated to one of my good friends who has recently started her new chapter of life in Hong Kong. The inspiration came from a grumpy cat image I bumped into on the Internet long time ago.  The image caught my eyes for looking kind of humorous, but the cat I draw ended up much more grumpy than the model.  The original will be sent to my friend soon, and I really reallly hope that he'd be protecting her and her new home.  He is available to you too through my Society6 store

yukamila Society6 store

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweet Valentine's Day

My husband came home with this chocolate bomb! So let's stop whatever you are doing and enjoy chocolates:-) Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine Art by my son

He is now a year and a half and already a passionate artista. I am amazed how fast he grows. Where that color choice comes from? Is it random? Or does he have some thoughts on it? I feel so fortunate to be able to be so close to this beautiful creature everyday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

From my bed

I realized that maybe I will be able to blog more often using Blogger app. So, here I am. Typing in darkness next to my baby.

Let's see how it goes...