Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nature collage

 The whole family went back to nature this weekend and lost ourselves in colors.  We spent beautiful time on a beautiful day. 

By the way, I have been using vsco grid for sharing some of my pictures.  I like the simplicity so far, and I enjoy the filters they offer on the app.   You can see more images on my vsco grid page.

Thank you for stopping by.
I hope you will have a great week!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Autumn fun

Long awaited sunny crispy autumn day arrived, so I got out and enjoyed it as much as I could.  I have to say it was a perfect day at the park.  I don't usually give perfect points to anything, so you can tell it was special:-) 

I have not been using my SLR camera for a long time, especially since my son started to walk.  The phone camera is more suitable to quickly capture the precious moments in every day life.  Since he started to understand that 'cheese' I say with camera is not the one for eating, maybe I will be able to work with my SLR again. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Miracle time with my lotus.

Our watercolor accomplishments for the day!

I managed to have time to draw some flowers this week. In the day time!  That is a miracle to me considering how I spend my day now.  It was just about for 20-30 minutes in the afternoon, but Winnie The Pooh gave me time to paint with watercolor without interruptions from my very curious son.  Of course, he later joined me and experienced watercolor drawing for the first time.  
One thing I learned from being a mother: Make the most out of your precious day.  It was tiny tiny progress, but it was a big satisfaction for me.  I'll get somewhere someday if I keep working, right?:-)
Have a good week!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Redwoods: Place I would love to visit.

Growing is Forever from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Redwoods by Jason Chin is one of the books my husband brought back home for my boy.  It's a bit too long for a two year-old boy, but it turned out to be such fascinating read for me!  I lived in California for about ten years, and I have never visited Redwoods. 
It's been three years since I took off from the beach side apartment in California, and I think I have been craving for nature.  I would like to sit under one of those huge tree trunks and listen to my son talks about trees.  Well..not so easy to make that happen soon, so I watched this video with him today.