Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Some ideas with little birdies..

These are pictures of cute little birdies I brought back from a 100 yen store. (I did pay:-))
Placing them on my doodles turn out to be kind of nice instagram shots.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Night Night

Doodle I did this week.  Those were precious 10 minutes of my week:-)  I have been having an idea to draw something for bedroom.  Maybe my desire for more sleep is making me think about night time, moon light, relaxing aroma, nice breeze from an attractive window... 

Hitting a jumping jack

I have been actively working out these days.  I am not familiar with popular workout programs, so I didn't know where to start.  Some online research led me to DVDs of Jillian Michaels and Tracy Anderson.  I never expected it, but my son loves to work out with Jillian Michaels. Alone. Big surprise for me was the fact that he actually follows her instruction.  Look at his glorious jumping jack moment! :-)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

MEOW PARTY - Collaborative drawing with a two-year-old

These are cats I drew for one of the exercises I did from the book, Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists by Carla Sonheim.  My son loves to join whatever I am doing these days, especially drawing, so this is a collaborative work with him. The original looks like this:

Then, I added some graphics using Studio and Rhonna Designs.  I don't have time to sit with my computer and work on designing and editing, but these apps allow me to easily work on some quick graphic design exercises on my smartphone.  It's another way to feel that I've worked on something creative:-) 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

One At A Time

About 5 months ago, I created this ME ME ME notebook to dedicate some time of a day just for myself hoping that I will fill this with my project plans, some journals, some wish lists, etc.  It hasn't been so successful.  I have managed to make some lists and even cross out some items from them, but it has been very difficult to keep pushing.  I stayed up late to make some time for my creative projects, but I ended up getting sick so often and realized that I have to maintain my health in order to succeed in having a balanced life.  Balance, balance, balance.  I cannot push too hard, but I should not completely surrender to my busyness.  Taking my husband's suggesting, I decided to blog once a week.  That way, I can feel that I am doing something to enrich my creativity even if I don't have time to work on my drawings and other projects.